We want your short stories, flash fiction, poems, artwork, etc. especially those with emotional impact.
Submit up to 3 poems
Submit up to 3 pieces of art
Flash Fiction must be between 100 and 1000 words
Short Stories must be between 1,000 and 3,000 words
Mixed media submissions encouraged
Non-fiction, articles, erotica, fantasy, horror, and anything that cannot be defined - all welcome. Send us what you think is great, but that no one else will publish.
Include a short bio and picture, if you would like those to be included with your publication.
Submissions will be read blind and be judged on the quality of the writing without consideration of gender, race, orientation, etc.
Submissions are open to previously published, as well as non-published writers. We prefer unpublished work; however, we will accept anything published on the author’s own website and/or social media accounts.
Simultaneous submissions are welcome, but be sure to withdraw your submission if the piece is accepted elsewhere.
We reserve first publication credit.
All rights revert to the author upon publication.